Eva dug through her closet, searching for any outfit that would look remotely good on her. She went through her dresses, pants, blouses, and skirts and ended up throwing every article of clothing on the floor in frustration. With her auburn hair a mess and her brows furrowed, she muttered to herself,
“Grandmumma is a seamstress, you’d think she would have made me an outfit that could woo a prince.” Eva was a princess… well, an honorary princess. After her mother had passed, her father remarried a few years later to the queen of the Dracian system. Ever since then, Eva was considered a princess, but not an heir. In all honesty, Eva didn’t mind. She just wanted a family to be with.
Eva was so bothered, she stalked out of her room, dressed in her grey nightgown, and made her way down the corridors of the palace to her father and step-mother’s room. Once she got to their room, she knocked rapidly at the door until the door pulled away from under her fist and revealed a blonde haired woman. The woman looked young and beautiful, she could have been Eva’s sister, but she wasn’t. Eva knew her to be her step-mother, Emilia. That was what meant to be when you were of the hulvian species: eternally youthful and beautiful.
“What is it?” Emilia inquired softly. She was dressed in a garnet nightgown with a matching robe, the same color that represented their kingdom, Dracia. Eva had always admired her step-mother. She was always gracious and kind. Emilia was the best mother Eva ever knew. After all, Eva was only four when her father married Emilia.
“I don’t know what to wear for tomorrow and I need your help!” Eva confessed, trying not to raise her voice so she wouldn’t wake her siblings. Eva was at her wit’s end, she was contemplating begging on her knees for her mother’s help, but Emilia replied before giving Eva the chance to plead,
“Okay. Okay,” Emilia quickly whispered, “give me a minute.” Emilia walked back to the door to her personal bathroom. “Nic, I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Emilia walked out of her room, closing the door behind her and following Eva to her room.
“You know, you never had trouble picking out outfits before,” Emilia commented as they walked down the corridors.
“It’s different this time,” Eva replied ambiguously, shaking off her step-mother’s statement. She didn’t want her mother to know the real reason, because she would start asking her a million questions. And that was the last thing Eva wanted, an inquiry about her personal life.
“It’s because of Elias.” Eva and Emilia looked behind them and saw a girl who had a similar resemblance to Emilia. Eva knew this girl to be her nineteen-year-old half-sister, Laurel. Laurel was blonde and fair like her mother, but her eyes and soul were of her father. It took Eva and Emilia no surprise when they saw Laurel in her navy shirt gown, holding a glass of milk and a plate of cookies.
“Laurel.” Emilia sternly rebuked.
“There’re more milk and cookies downstairs,” Laurel replied as-a-matter-of-factly.
“You can have milk and cookies tomorrow. You need to get to bed.” Emilia remarked.
“Great.” Laurel sarcastically replied as she made her way back to the Kitchen.
“What was that?” Emilia demanded.
“Yes, Ma’am,” Laurel called, still unpleased with her mother’s request. Once Eva and Emilia got into Eva’s room, Eva closed the door and motioned to her clothes on the ground and furniture.
“As you can see, I’m having a terrible time deciding what to wear,” Eva stated the obvious.
“Evangeline Lorenzi! What have you done to your room?” Emilia mothered.
“I’m not even disturbed by the mess. That’s how much I’m freaking out over what to wear.” Eva remarked, folding her arms across her chest.
“Woah.” Emilia was struck. “That’s bad.”
“Yes, it is. That’s why I need your advice.” Eva remarked. Emilia walked around Eva’s room and began picking up her clothes, giving them a quick look, and setting them on the bed. Eva sat on one of her sofa chairs, waiting for her step-mother to be finished. After Emilia placed the final article of clothing on the bed, she turned to Eva and let out a sigh.
“None of my clothes will work, will they?” Eva concluded prematurely.
“Actually, many of them would work. You’re just extremely picky.” Emilia contradicted as she picked up a sky blue dress with thin white vertical white stripes and buttons down the front. “This one.” Emilia showed Eva the dress. “This will look especially nice with your hair.”
“I do like that dress,” Eva remarked. “And maybe I can wear my hair down, in a braid. So it’s casual, but not too casual.”
“I think that will look lovely.” Emilia agreed. Emilia held out the dress and placed it on Eva’s couch. “Now, put all of your clothes away and get to bed.” Emilia was about to leave when Eva wondered,
“Wait, aren’t you going to ask me about Laurel’s comment?” Eva’s brows were scrunched together in confusion. Her family always pried into each other’s business, so this was strange of Emilia not to ask about any agenda. Emilia turned back to her step-daughter and shrugged her shoulders.
“What comment?” Emilia tried to play it innocent, but Eva was having none of it.
“Okay, what’s going on?” Is there something I don’t know?” Eva questioned. Emilia avoided direct eye contact. She did know something Eva didn’t, but just like a lot of Emilia’s regal business, she had to keep her mouth shut. Emilia didn’t realize she had been quiet for a few moments until Eva opened her mouth again, this time, quieter than her last words,
“Mum, what’s going on?” Emilia took in a deep breath.
“Nothing is wrong. Actually, everything is going to be alright. Tomorrow will be a wonderful day, I promise.” Eva was still unsure of her step-mother’s behavior, but she knew her step-mother was telling the truth in those words. All Eva could reply with was,