New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year, Everybody! Or should I say, Welcome 2014! I hope this year is filled with happiness!

Whenever a new year approaches, usually we start thinking about what our new year’s resolutions are going to be. Well, at first mine weren’t really going to be worth mentioning, because they were the same old resolutions I try to do every year. Until, I came across something I could definitely do within the span of a year. A book challenge.

I love to read, that’s no secret, but I never thought of using my reading abilities for a challenge. And what’s great about this challenge is you can cater it to you. I happen to be doing the 200 book challenge (sounds excessive, but I’m hoping I can manage it). What I will be doing with my book challenge is reading each book and then blogging about it.

So now that I have told you my plan, I will tell you what book I will begin with this year. I have already read the first book, “City of Bones,” in the Mortal Instruments series and I absolutely loved it. Now, I want to go on and read the second book “City of Ashes.” Wish me luck!



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